Multi Asset
Multi-asset strategies can help you reach your financial goals.
Our Approach
In a world of increasing uncertainty, multi-asset investing can be an attractive strategy. The ability to invest across all major asset classes (like stocks, bonds, real estate, or cash) means investors can spread their spend to mitigate risk and market volatility.
A judgment-based approach
Our fund managers combine their judgement-based convictions with in-depth quantitative analysis and a multi-tiered approach to risk aiming to help investors reach their goals.
Experts across asset classes
Our team's expertise spans the whole asset class spectrum and they have the freedom to adjust to financial markets as they evolve.
Quantitative analysis
We've developed a proprietary framework that combines quantitative information on macroeconomic, valuation, sentiment, and technical factors.
Multi-tiered risk approach
We look at multiple factors like everyday business practices (structural), changes in business conditions (tactical), and wider economic, political, and geographic events or trends (opportunistic).
Capital growth
Capital growth focuses on building investors’ capital over the long term.
Why capital growth?
Capital growth strategies aim to increase the overall value of an asset or investment over a period of time.
Capital growth strategies within multi-asset comprises a variety of asset and sub-asset classes with different performance and risk drivers. We strongly believe that an active portfolio with efficient diversification can capture capital growth through time, while mitigating the associated risks.
Our strategy
Our strategy is to offer investors long-term growth from market opportunities across a highly diversified investment universe.
- We combine quantitative information on Macro, Valuation, Sentiment and Technical (MVST) factors with qualitative insights from multi-expert model to benefit from market opportunities across all major asset classes.
- We invest with conviction in companies where we see the highest potential and focus on benefitting from long-term growth themes across global markets.
- We monitor and intend to mitigate risk across the portfolio with a multi-layer approach.
Capital preservation
Capital preservation generally describes more conservative investment strategies with the priority being preserving capital and preventing loss.
Why capital preservation?
The strategy’s primary aim is to safeguard capital, prevent losses and keep pace with the rate of inflation. It is usually characterised by a conservative investment approach. As a result, potential returns are likely to be lower than growth-oriented strategies. This type of investment strategy appeals to risk-averse investors and investors with a shorter investment horizon.
Our strategy
The possibility to invest in a broad range of asset classes enables us to tailor solutions to help investors achieve their primary goal of capital preservation. Incorporating active risk mitigation strategies can help multi-asset investors to weather market volatility and circumnavigate unexpected events.
Income generation
Income generation is all about investing in asset classes that seek to deliver a regular flow of yield.
Why income generation?
The goal of a multi-asset income strategy is to provide investors with a steady – and potentially rising – flow of income by investing across yield-generating assets such as bonds, dividend stocks, and real estate. This strategy may suit people with a moderate risk profile who are looking for an extra source of revenue on a regular basis (such as monthly or quarterly).
Our strategy
We provide unconstrained and flexible global solutions seeking to distribute steady income by focusing on fixed income and equity assets that provide regular and attractive levels of natural yield, combined with selected long-term growth assets.
Impact investing is a natural evolution of responsible investing. Impact is a type of sustainable investing, a way of making investment decisions which aims to deliver positive financial returns, and benefit society and the environment, at the same time.
Why impact investing?
Concerns over the multiple challenges the world is facing, such as climate change and social inequalities, are on the rise. On the other hand, consumers and governments together are pushing for more Impact initiatives, to which both corporates and financial institutions must adapt. All together this evolving landscape will generate new opportunities.
Our strategy
We seek to generate both a positive and measurable impact with a focus on environmental and social themes, as well as capital growth, while supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations to achieve a better and more sustainable future for the planet and its people.
Risk Warning
Investment in Multi-assets involves risks including the loss of capital and some specific risks such as credit risk, counterparty risk, derivatives risks linked to method and model, stock lending, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, geopolitical risk and volatility risk.
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