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Hans Stoter

Global Head of Core Investments

Hans Stoter joined AXA IM in June 2018 as member of the Management Board, responsible for Fixed Income and Multi Asset Client Solutions.

In January 2019 Equity strategies were added to his remit. In April 2020 Hans has been appointed Global Head of AXA IM Core, the strategic business unit that combines AXA IM’s Fixed Income, Equity and Multi-Asset investment activities, Trading & Securities Finance and Client Group for Core.

Hans started his career at Nomura Bank and Philips Electronics, before joining ING Investment Management in 1998 as portfolio manager Investment Grade Credits. He then held various portfolio manager, team manager and team oversight positions in a broad range of fixed income asset classes. In 2011 he was appointed Deputy Chief Investment Officer, and in 2013 Chief Investment Officer and Board member of ING Investment Management (later re-branded to NN Investment Partners).

Hans holds master’s degrees in Business Economics and Financial Analysis, both from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.

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