
Laurent Clavel

Global Head of Multi-Asset

Laurent is Global Head of Multi-Asset since 1 September 2022. He is also a member of the AXA IM Investment Institute's Advisory Committee.

In October 2019, Laurent was appointed AXA IM’s Head of the Quant Lab, which was set up to foster innovation, focusing on quantitative research, portfolio engineering, product engineering and data science. Previously he was Head of Research at AXA IM.

He joined AXA IM in 2015 as International Economist, before becoming Head of Macroeconomic Research. Prior to AXA IM, he worked for two years at the French Statistical Institute (INSEE) as the Head of the Forecasting Unit.

Before this, Laurent spent three years at the French Embassy in Stockholm, where he covered the Nordic economies as financial adviser to the French Treasury. Laurent also worked for the French Ministry for the Budget and the French Statistical Institute.

Laurent graduated from Ecole Polytechnique and holds an MSc. in Economics from the Paris School of Economics, Statistics and Finance.


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